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We acknowledge and analyze major systems required for optimal health. We do this by measuring the constituents of the cells in your body, the blood those cells live within, the cardiovascular and circulatory systems that move the blood, the brain that controls the heart and finally  the physical hard body that everything manifests through.

Making lifestyle, exercise, and nutrition decisions based on measurable changes in your own personal physiological data is the new standard, we no longer have to guess.


Through innovative analytics we determine personalized nutrition, training, and lifestyle protocols based on each individuals personal heath data points. Systems we measure are…

  • Cardiovascular system

  • Musculoskeletal system

  • Nervous system

  • Cellular system

  • Metabolic system

  • Respiratory System

Through proper prescription and proven functional interventions for each of the systems, we measure, monitor, and manage changes over time. The result is a sustainable lifestyle practice that encourages your bodies ability to thrive as you age.



We pride ourselves in offering a non-invasive measurement process that is designed to gather maximum health data in the shortest amount of time.  After decades of service in this arena we understand the importance of experience and accuracy when it comes to analyzing health data.

With our measured approach results are tangible and proven.

This is why we use professional and medical grade devices to measure these major systems related to your health and performance.

Recovery is essential for peak performance; it allows the body and mind to repair, rebuild, and restore energy, preventing burnout, reducing injury risk, and ensuring optimal function and endurance.

Using the Earth's natural elements, such as magnetism, gravity, vibration, light, and other natural therapies, can enhance recovery by promoting cellular process, improving circulation, reducing inflammation, and boosting the body's innate ability to restore balance and vitality more efficiently.


Coppin Health Inc. is a personalized wellness company that believes in data driven actions aimed towards a better life experience and enhanced youth span.

Experience this one of a kind service by booking an exclusive consultation appointment with our Health Coaches. Embrace a journey towards optimal well-being, tailored with the finest expertise and attentiveness you deserve.

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Interested in our Membership Offerings? We offer annual Health Management, Training and Movement Memberships. Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly.